Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Orleans and LinuxCon

Hello Magnezone World Members and Guests,

I'm going to make this sweet and simple as I prepare and get some sleep for Day 1 at CloudOpen/LinuxCon 2013.
I am very glad to be here representing all of you and I am spending time with my parents all at the same time.
It's something that you may not always hear very often but it is simply awesome, especially when a vacation is needed.
Magnezone World has been a great success since it began in August 2007 and now has gone international.
I'm proud of my volunteers and many of their efforts that they've contributed to make this organization push forward and to make my trip possible.
Also I've learned a lot about New Orleans and it's great history and as a big player in the 1800's until now as well as it's great arts and strong party attitude similar to Montreal.
As for LinuxCon, Today was Early Registration so I could beat the line ups tomorrow and to get straight to business!
With that I leave you this message, Being forward thinkers and having a great attitude are the first steps for fuelling the future and that is something Magnezone World has in common with Linux and I'll talk to you all soon.

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